Super Calibration Test V1.0 Text-Only

Super Calibration Test
Version 1.0
By Savestate


You are to become a Primary Super. One of the first, a prototype, with some billions to follow. Obviously, before more can be made, testing must be done. Time is limited, but for the Supers to be flawed would be a calamity of its own.

Primary Power:

The heart of a Primary Super’s strength. The element that distinguishes one Super from another.

Choose one.

When killed, at will, or when a you in their right mind would desire this, you immediately resurrect at a safe location. You are cleansed of all injuries and afflictions, your personal reserves are replenished, and any personal equipment is returned and repaired. Nothing that could be used against you is left behind when you resurrect, and you cannot be immediately located by your enemies. “Safe location” is a flexible definition, influenced by your will, and can place you on a distant planet or at a key position in the same battle.

You cannot be harmed or afflicted in any way. You do not need food, water, air, or any other form of external sustenance in order to be happy and healthy. You do not need sleep or rest or recovery time in order to function at your normal peak. Esoteric vectors of attack immediately fail on contact with your person; you can neither be erased from time nor manipulated.

Nothing that happens to you will decrease your capabilities, render you more vulnerable, or interfere with your selfhood. Petrified, you will retain full mobility with the strength of stone. Annihilated entirely, you will persist as a thing of spirit with all of your powers and the freedoms of nonexistence. You can reap the full benefits, and only the benefits, of that which normally has great consequences.

You may instantly relocate yourself to any location you have previously observed. You have a perfect mental map of these locations, your previous observations of them, and how they are aligned spatially. Any object or creature you could carry for at least a moment may be brought with you when teleporting. Beyond your own presence, there are no indicators of teleportation, and normal methods of interdiction fail.

Instant Travel
You may exist within a single instant, spending as much time as you’d like within a given slice of objective time. In this state, your capacity to interact with the world and to change is proportionately diminished. You can wander for ten thousand subjective years, contemplating existence, and come out a millisecond later with no new conclusions, no difference in personality, and no memories with any real emotional weight to them. This ability is sufficiently responsive for combat use, adjusting your timerate between dodging and attacking.

At will, you may cast yourself to a location that fits some broad goal-related criteria. You might go to a place where you can live in peace and find happiness, or where you can find the cure to a particular deadly illness. This does not give you control over where specifically you arrive, or send you to optimal destinations where no further effort is required to achieve your goal. At will, you may revert your journeys one by one, returning to your points of origin.

End of Fantasy
Around you, magic dies. Artifacts become inert, magical creatures fade, wonder is driven from the world. Where this is necessary, the substance of orderly reality flows in around you to fill in the gaps, replacing any elements up to the structures of spacetime. The further you can extend your reach, the wider this power will extend.

Absolute Fulcrum
Magic cannot deny you. Even the most tenuous grasp is enough to command it, and the pressure you exert can force it to act with potency it does not have in ways that it cannot. No magic can harm you at all directly, and you can shatter all but the most fluid workings with incredible ease.

Arcane Prison
You can absorb any magic you encounter, sealing it away inside yourself. Spirits, spells, enchantments, souls if they are of the right type, some types of innate magical power. Only by avoiding you can any manifestation of magic avoid absorption. You cannot control what you have taken, but you can be selective in what you release or allow to act outside its prison.

Physical reality cannot impede you. You do not experience equal and opposite reactions; you may carry a hundred-ton weight over a tightrope without letting it flex. Gravity only affects you as much as you want it to, and time cannot drag you forward more quickly than you will allow it. This only applies to physical reality, and becomes increasingly limited in worlds with any degree of the supernatural.

World Ender
Physical reality crumbles around you. Matter vanishes, light fades, and even space and time come apart. You are not immune, but are adapted to exist without form or substance. That which is wondrous can still stand against you.

You are not bound by internal logic except loosely, and do not require it to maintain coherence of self. That which does not enforce its effects directly cannot affect you: in order to be cut, you must be cut, not simply struck with a blade. You may bear arbitrary internal contradictions. From within yourself, you may produce results without causes, obtaining answers without thought, nourishment without eating, but not growth without time or training.

You may pass on any power, special quality, skill, or attribute you possess to another person. In the passage, it is lost to you, but you retain the capacity to redevelop anything that could be developed. Even Endowment and your status as a Primary Super may be given away.

You may adopt other people into whatever special categories you are part of. Pass on templates, unlock access to unusual powers, share bloodlines. Attempts to create new Primary Supers instead create Secondary Supers, which possess everything except a Primary Power. Empowering someone with this temporarily exhausts whatever quality you share, but can be done repeatedly at the cost of extending that exhaustion.

Within your range of observation, every person aligned with you is empowered. This effects grows with your own strength and with the strength of the recipient, compounding any quality they possess by a fraction of your corresponding quality. This may be focused, preventing certain traits from being enhanced in order to enhance others to a greater degree. You cannot empower anything that is not already present to some degree in both yourself and the empowered.


As you train, face up against great stress, and grow more powerful, you will accumulate another type of power. This resource is funneled automatically into your Empowerments, a Super’s second source of strength. As you grow, they will grow. You may gain additional Empowerments over time, but development will be split between every Empowerment you have.

(When an Empowerment increases something, it is providing both an additive bonus and a multiplicative bonus. Empowerments may somewhat compound upon each other, through tiers of specialization.)

These are only examples.
Choose any number.

Super Developed
The rate at which you grow, and the heights to which you can grow, are increased for all possible areas of self-driven growth. This Empowerment is expected to be held by the overwhelming majority of Supers; the compounding effects of Super Developed on its own development are necessary for an approximately linear progression. No further direct improvement of Empowerment growth is possible through Empowerments.

Super Body
Your physical parameters, the rate at which they grow, and the heights to which they can grow, are increased. Additions to your body, magical or technological, are improved as much as that which is “natural”, as are other enhancements. Development allows for increase in complexity and refinement, such that otherwise ordinary human cells could eventually function as intelligent nanoassemblers.

Super Strength
Your physical strength, the rate at which it grows, and the heights to which it can grow, are increased. This effect extends to all additions and enhancement to your self. Development allows strength to manifest in more abstractly useful ways, such that you would rapidly acquire something akin to tactile telekinesis.

Super Mind
Your mental parameters, the rate at which they grow, and the heights to which they can grow, are increased. This can improve your actual intelligence and capacity for good decision making, with diminishing returns. Development allows the applicability of your mental processes to be extended, such that you would eventually gain fine control of your automatic internal processes.

Super Economics
Real GDP per capita is increased for economic systems or portions thereof that are heavily influenced by you, with diminishing returns. This effect ends immediately if your influence ends, but investments made with that additional wealth persist. Development allows the health and resilience of economies to be improved, such that total environmental impact would tend to decrease with greater productivity.

Physical Idealization
Your body trends towards your own ideal form, with speed and forcefulness proportional to development. All efects that would move you farther from that ideal are impeded. Over time, your basic physical parameters will gradually increase without upper bound.

Your supply of mana and capacity to manifest magic are increased. This mana may be spent in place of other expenditures when using any form of magic; it would not eliminate the need for a spell component, but could prevent it from being consumed. You may produce forms of magic that are independently viable, rendering the world more magic and allowing the birth of new mages.

You have an influence that extends into the future, contorting events in the present with foreknowledge for the sake of your own success and happiness. You are not aware of the future or the plans being made, but this Empowerment is entirely aware of the choices you will make. This normally interferes with other precognition and fate effects as it shields you from them, but is capable of cooperation wherever both parties benefit.

Prison Break
Anything holding you prisoner, from piles of rubble trapping your body to perfect illusions to sealed pocket dimensions, will gradually but inevitably fail. Automated systems and uncaring individuals cannot prevent this failure, only the efforts of a diligent warden who cares about their task. If an “escape” would lead to immediate recapture, this Empowerment will gather additional strength before the escape to guarantee at least temporary freedom.

Core Memory
Designate a portion of your consciousness- a specific ideal, your feelings towards a specific person, some motivation you possess, etc. This piece of you is absolute and inviolable, and will degrade and increase your resistance to any mental influence or remediate any mental degeneration you suffer from each time it comes up. With development, the portion of your mind protected in this manner will gradually expand.

Super Mode
With an effort that is itself tiring, you may enter an altered mode of function. In this state, all of your parameters are increased dramatically, as are the costs of your abilities and the rate at which you grow exhausted. Development increases the benefits of the super mode without any impact on the cost.

Designate a narrow subject of expertise, such as swordsmanship or adhesive chemistry. Within the scope of this subject, your sheer skill is elevated to its natural peak. Development expands your area of expertise.

The parameters of technological items you personally construct are increased. This is capable of rendering horrible materials useful and impractical designs effective. Development allows increasingly esoteric phenomena to be produced without proper materials, designs, or understanding, such that you could eventually construct FTL quantum comms from radios.

Power Feats
You may devise tricks that leverage the particular nature of your Primary Power, and learn such tricks from other Supers of any type. If you have Superman, you may develop the ability to fly as swiftly as you can run. If you have Invulnerability, you may develop the ability to extend your own resilience to your clothing and equipment or prevent yourself from being knocked about by impacts. Development allows you to acquire new specific Power Feats.


The testing ground.

Choose One.

You remain wherever you were when this power was bestowed.

The City
An ancient structure of folded space built by an extinct elder race, floating in the deep black between stars. Populated by monsters and madmen and unfortunate innocents, all wielding potent psychic powers. (You’ll start developing psionics of your own, upon arrival.) At the heart of the city sleeps a soul-eating abomination of immense psychic magnitude, imprisoned imperfectly, seeking the end of all thought. Be aware that psionics are distinct from magic or ordinary physical reality.

Woven Realm
A future Earth in its 2080s. Fifty years ago, they gained access to some million unpopulated earthlike worlds throughout their universe via a series of portals. The connections between planets are such that accessing those most distant requires traversing the surface of ten thousand worlds, and interdicting travel requires a blockade half the circumference of earth. Humanity is prospering even as it remains disappointingly fractitious, their first fumbling forays into magic enabling the at-home alchemical printing of complex goods.
The first generation of mages still relies on infusing mana into prebuilt artifacts for magic use, and advanced AI has proven very expensive and only moderately smarter than a clever human. Out in the vast wilderness of these interconnected worlds there is magic, and monsters, and countless lonely little colonies.

A Turning Point
Somewhere, someone has been infected by a seed of something dark and terrible. They are blessed with incredible power, but should they succumb, they would become a monster of world-ruining proportion. To crudely imprison or kill them would only end their struggle early, unleash the darkness within. You would be their companion, arriving with them to a dangerous world foreign to the both of you. We believe you would succeed, but don’t feel like you have to do this- we can find other volunteers.

Wait no FUCK-
(Yeah, I think someone higher up isekaied the subject. No idea where to, can’t find them.)

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