Plane-Jaunting Journey V1.1 Text-Only a/q9Z81Kn

Plane-Jaunting Journey
Unimaged Version 1.1
By Savestate


Recently, you acquired an unusual jar of jam. Intentionally or otherwise, you tasted its contents. You are now fully liable for any and all consequences of the Plane Jaunting Journeys(TM) you have won.

Yes, that’s how our legal system works. Don’t act surprised. I know you have stories of fae. You need to be more careful around them.

You get two tickets, which may be used by any person, at any time, to begin a Plane Jaunting Journey(ugh). You are still liable for anything someone else does with them. This is your responsibility to bear.

The Bronze Ticket allows a Journey with 2 Upgrades and 2 Themes.
The Silver Ticket allows a Journey with 4 Upgrades and 3 Themes.

The Process:

Your Journey begins when you activate a ticket. Please plan carefully. Really, take as long as you want!

You will be given an opportunity to decide some of the specifics of your journey, and transported to a safe rest area. In pursuit of fun and prizes, you will traverse an endless series of new planes until you give up or die. When your journey ends, only a single real moment will have passed. You will continue to age, throughout your journey. Nothing that happens to your body during your journey will be reversed when it ends.

In each plane, you will need to travel a certain distance to reach the exit. This distance is 10 meters in the first plane, and increases by 10 meters in each subsequent plane. It will take 10 seconds for the exit to appear in the first plane, and 10 seconds longer in each subsequent plane. You will not be able to travel backwards, to previous planes.

Again, your journey takes place inside of a single moment. You will encounter other people, and be able to interact with them normally from your own perspective. From theirs, however, you are only a daydream. Linger on a plane for as many years as you want, and they’ll hardly notice.

Rest Areas:

Each time you exit a plane, you will be taken to a safe rest area. These areas are unique: items left in or changes made to one will not carry over to the next. You may linger for as long as you wish, before moving on to the next plane. Use this time wisely.

You receive all basic amenities automatically.
Upgrades are spent here.

The Bronze Ticket allows a Journey with 2 Upgrades and 2 Themes.
The Silver Ticket allows a Journey with 4 Upgrades and 3 Themes.

Floor Space
The rest area has about twelve square meters of open floor. The carpeting is clean, like everything else, but not very soft. You’ll probably want to get some kind of bedding.
Upgrade: Home Space
You get an extra hundred square meters of space, in the form of a lightly furnished apartment. This links with and improves the un-upgraded Bathroom, Medkit, and Meal Cart. The contents of the apartment persist between rest areas.

A cramped bathroom, with toilet, sink, and shower. Stocked with a set of the most basic toiletries, sufficient for a few days.
Upgrade: Hot Spring
Instead of a bathroom, you’ll find a small rocky pool of cleansing waters. Immersing yourself in it will magically purify your body, rapidly eliminating filth, disease, and poison, inside and out. Regular use can actually slow the aging process by up to 30% in mortals.

A wall-mounted box of useful medical supplies. Includes all the mundane medication you need to live as healthily and happily as you can. The supplies are enough for one week.
Upgrade: Elixir
Instead of mundane medical supplies, you will find a vial of refined mermaid juice. Its infectious properties have been removed, but not its capacity for healing. Just one dose can cure or suppress most illnesses, mend or stabilize most injuries, and all without unwanted transformation. Each dose will leave you about three days younger and slightly more ideal.

Meal Cart
A small silver serving cart with two covered trays of bland but nutritious food. The meals will stay magically hot and fresh until you remove their covers.
Upgrade: Delivery Service
Instead, a little silver bell. When rung, an invisible servant will bring you what sustenance you desire, any food that you have ever tasted. You can use the bell outside a rest area, and use a single bell repeatedly, but new rest areas will still have replacements. PJJCorp will not provide this service after your Journey ends, even if you hold on to the bell.

Travel Planner
A binder of documents detailing the next plane. Environmental conditions, brief descriptions of the people you will encounter, and a map. I don’t expect this information to really help you, but it is available.
Upgrade: Liaison
There will be a window in your rest area, facing out onto an endless noon-bright sky. My sky. You will be able to ask me questions- we have much to discuss. I can even come in for a visit, if you want. (You probably will not want to visit me, as my sky has no ground.) Unlike everyone else on your journey, I will be experiencing time as you do.

Emergency Exit
A clearly labeled door, kept unlocked at all times. When you step through it, your journey will end; you will be returned to where you were when it began. You can bring back as much as you can carry.
Upgrade: Shipping Crate
A big box placed right next to the door. Anything you set inside will be delivered to your world, wherever you want it. It will all arrive in the moment of your return.


For each plane you traverse and exit, you earn one point. Once your journey ends, you will have an opportunity to spend those points on rewards. They cannot be saved and spent later. Listed here are only the categories of reward. The exact nature of any reward is determined by the themes of the plane they draw from. See the Themes section for examples. Though points are interchangeable, you may only purchase rewards from those planes you visited in your journey.

Traveling the safest planes, an ordinary mortal moving at a sustainable pace can expect to earn 50 points in a day, 150 points in a week, 300 points in a month, 1000 points in a year, or 3400 points in a decade.
Devoting your life to travel and making full use of the Elixir, you could probably exceed 12,000 points.
(If the math is confusing, just understand that moving ten times farther will get you roughly three times as many points. If you want a formula, earning X Points will take X^2 / 3200 days at a pace of ten miles per day.)
Points alone might not be the best thing to focus on on your Journey, though.

All Rewards choices are repeatable.

1 Point

The equivalent of $10,000 in esoteric planar money. So long as the transaction obeys its source’s theme, viability as currency is enforced by magic. After a few transactions it will decay into an equivalent value in the local currency, releasing its magic as a blessing of prosperity.

Consumer Goods
2 Points

A large box of common goods from a particular plane. In quantity, this represents enough food and drink for a person to eat nothing else for a month, seven complete outfits, or a few dozen little gadgets and toys. You can choose the type of product you get from a given crate, or leave it to chance. Though everything this provides is of high quality, most of these goods, however unusual, may as well be mundane. Notably, internet-capable devices distort and refine any content they access through the lens of their theme, and planar food and drink is very beneficial.

Magic Items
5 Points

A large box of the sort of minor magic items you could find on a particular plane. In quantity, this represents a few dozen trinkets and consumables or a handful of greater items. You can choose the items you get from a given crate, within the bounds of what a plane can provide. As is also the case with Consumer Goods and Currencies, anything this provides could be collected during your planar travels instead.

Return Tickets
10 Points

A special ticket, allowing whoever uses it to take on a journey in miniature. They are whisked away to a single vast plane of the ticket’s theme, to do as they wish for one subjective month. There will be no rest area for them, and no emergency exit. As with standard journeys, only a moment will have passed upon their return, and they will be able to bring back as much planar treasure as they can collect and carry.

Special Materials
20 Points

A small piece of some powerful exotic material. Expect it to be just enough for one good use- to forge a single knife, or augment a single subject. Each theme provides its own specific material.

50 Points

An infusion of alien vitality to extend your life. Each theme provides a different kind of longevity, and most will compound upon each other for greater effect. This is less valuable than it may seem. There are many paths to immortality.

100 Points

An infusion of refined planar essence to bolster your spirit. Increases a specific basic attribute by approximately the mortal human baseline. This endowment roots itself in the edges of the soul; there is no physical indicator for its presence. You cannot increase any single attribute more than 2,000 times with this option. The sheer technique to push further does not exist.

200 Points

If you convince someone you meet on your journey to come with you, we can use that to send them to your world. We’ll give you a list of all your options. (My name will be at the very top. Please.) They can leave you if unsatisfied with whatever relationship you establish, but returning to their plane will be impossible. Convincing anyone to come with you will be difficult. However charismatic you are, however perfectly you match, they see only a moment’s distraction, a pleasant fantasy. It is a tragedy.

500 Points

An injection of raw planar essence deep within your soul. What this gives you is untapped developmental potential, embedded deeply enough to persist across reincarnations. As you push yourself to improve, any unused Advancement you have (that is not excluded by incompatibility of theme) will act to support the growth, allowing you to exceed normal bounds. This could simply increase your attributes and talents, blur the intrinsic limitations of a skill or ability, or solidify into a single unnatural technique. Fully harnessing a single Advancement requires approximately 3 years of somewhat diligent training. One Advancement represents more potential than 5 Attributes, but it improves upon your existing strengths in a different way, and is much worse at building from a mortal baseline.

The Planes:

The planes you journey through are not true worlds. They lack history and persistence. A plane bubbles up from its thematic source fully-formed, and inevitably dissolves back into it. The natives are as complete and real as anyone you could know, but are born without concept of anything outside their theme, and inevitably lack the time to develop beyond it. Do not allow yourself to think their comparatively brief lives make them any less of a person, any less real.

You need not fear your own dissolution. Remember, the journeys take place within a single moment.

The planes you visit do not look like worlds. They best resemble the internal environments of mass transit systems, long rows of seating akin to buses, subways, or passenger aircraft. Outside this bubble of life and complexity, you will find only the formless chaos of its thematic source or pure abyssal void. You cannot survive in either.

The planes are much less populated than any vehicle they may mimic. You can expect to encounter approximately two natives per 10 meters of a plane’s length. In that same area, there will generally be enough snacks and trinkets and other baggage for five passengers. The young planes you visit will have plenty of unclaimed treasure. More than enough for a single traveler.

The planes are at least somewhat suited for habitation. In all but the smallest planes, you can find cramped bathrooms and closets of extra supplies. Larger, more stable planes contain proportionally more resources, sometimes even small kitchens, always sufficient to sustain their inhabitants until the bubble pops. It is never very long.

Spending time in a plane will contribute to its theme’s Horizon, growing linearly and reaching full strength after ten cumulative years of exposure. Horizons passively influence the world around you, out to the limits of your own clear perception. They cannot naturally be controlled or directed, save by constraining your own perceptions.

Studying under a planar native will contribute to their theme’s Tradition, growing like a skill and reaching full strength after 10,000 cumulative hours of training. Past the first hundred hours of training, you don’t technically need a planar native to teach you, but they are always required for that first bit of training. Traditions enable uncanny skills and abilities, otherwise impossible expressions of mastery.

Eating of a plane’s food and drink will contribute to its theme’s Physique, growing logarithmically and reaching full strength after seven consecutive years of consuming nothing else. This has to be consecutive- breaking your streak at four years means it will take another four years at least before you can start improving the Physique again. Physiques alter the basic nature of your body.

Ultimately, these changes represent power. Power you’ll need. I recommend collecting as many as you can.


Themes define the nature of a plane, and the rewards you can collect.
When you enter a new plane, its theme will be randomly selected from those you have chosen.

The Bronze Ticket allows a Journey with 2 Upgrades and 2 Themes.
The Silver Ticket allows a Journey with 4 Upgrades and 3 Themes.

A Plane of Sugar is brightly-colored and brightly-lit, with fluffy carpet, soft furniture, and cutesy decorations. Its air is filled with a wholesome aroma of fruits and flowers. The natives are living candygirls- bubblegum beauties and honey slimes and statuesque chocolate marvels. They are uncommonly kind and caring, driven towards the pursuit of fun and friendship above other goals, and may seem naive or empty-headed. I find it all a bit dull.

Money from the Planes of Sugar takes the form of special chocolate coins, which can be used to purchase candies and desserts, the ingredients for candies and desserts, and objects that look like candies and desserts. Consumer goods are bright and colorful, almost childishly so, and entirely self-powered. Clothing is soft but sturdy, woven from thick cottony candyfloss; soaps and lotions are both edible and delicious.

All food and drink is in the form of candy and desserts. If you are worried about your health… good luck!
Objects from a Plane of Sugar do not generally decay. They are enduring like crystal.
The only magic items to be found are bottles of juice that act as potions. There are marvelous stimulants that wash away exhaustion, draughts to soothe soul and psyche, juices that reinforce you against heat or cold, and even petty shadows of our own Elixir. (Also non-infectious.)

Horizon: Within your range, any manner of ‘change’ not directly supported by sentient will is very slightly suppressed. Lower energy events are disproportionately affected: this is sufficient to snuff out any normal microbial life not actively in symbiosis with a greater being, and will cause many insect species to fail to thrive. This Horizon does not directly extend lifespan, though objects like computers and some foods may be preserved indefinitely under its effect.
Tradition: You have access to the ‘prime candy’, a well of sugary life force you can tie into anything made of candy materials. This enables the creation of candy-based technology and life forms. Candy creations are sustained by the prime candy, its life force an endless supply of free energy. Any creation more complex than sugar-steel requires the synthesis and precise arrangement of increasingly exotic forms of candymatter, such that constructing a computer from candy requires almost as much infrastructure as constructing one from silicon. Any kind of candytech could be manufactured from raw sugar alone, but additives will ease the process massively.
Physique: Your metabolism is elevated to function by pure energy alone. Specific nutrients and hydration and even mass become irrelevant. Anything you consume is broken down (leaving behind no remains) into a sort of sugary life energy which directly fuels all bodily processes. You no longer need to breathe, except to aid in digestion, and blood flow is wholly unnecessary to your life energy’s distribution. Your body can contain a deep well of stored energy, and any excess you do accumulate will crystallize from your skin as hard sugar carapace, a removable external energy reserve.
Special Material: Ambrosia, the world-maker’s coin. One purchase represents a few hundred tiny pieces, where one million is the minimum to craft a one-room afterlife. Ambrosia can be eaten to increase your depth of self, extending all your reserves without impacting the rate at which they may replenish or empty. This means you can stay awake for a few more hours, or withstand ultimate temptation for a few more minutes.
Longevity: Durability. Time erodes you exactly as it otherwise would, only more slowly. Each purchase means you take one additional year to age by a single year.
Attribute: Endurance.

Gorgeous Kinky Virgins
A Plane of Gorgeous Kinky Virgins is comfortably dim, dyed in shades of black and purple, furnished with slick stain-resistant furniture. Its air smells of fresh sex, of a clean place defiled very recently. The natives are human, but exaggerated, every one of them an icon of sexuality- bimbos and beefcakes and subby traps and big tiddy goth gfs. They are horny, moreso than any teenage boy. And they are kinky, almost walking pornographic stereotypes. And they are, to the last, virgins, incapable of reaching out on their own to cross that threshold and take what they all so fervently desire. I wish I could visit more often.

Money from the Planes of Gorgeous Kinky Virgins takes the form of tarnished paper bills, and can be used to purchase sexual paraphernalia, lingerie, pornography, and all forms of body modification. Consumer goods are sleek, built to fit comfortably against the human body in any arrangement, and unnaturally convenient. A buttplug will always come out clean because it assumes cleanliness. All styles of clothing can be found, all of it fetishized. With the exception of bondage gear, you will not find something that cannot be torn off with minimal effort. Food and drink variety is limited, but what is available is of excellent quality: crisp and juicy fruit, rich and flavorful sausage, creamy milk, and other obvious jokes.

Magical sex toys are available here. Strap-ons that transfer full physical sensation, onaholes that give out masterful blowjobs, cuffs that won’t unlock until the wearer is utterly spent, paired pseudo-portal rings, and so much more.

Horizon: Within your range, a portion of the energy expended by sapient action is recaptured and harnessed to enhance it. Hair brushed out of the way, dust swept from your eyes. Lighting adjusted to frame things perfectly. Bullets nudged towards the correct path. Subtle exchanges of momentum to lend you surer footing. A thousand tiny tweaks, their net result falling in favor of whoever is most active.
Tradition: By recognizing something as necessary for good sex, and asserting with the accumulated weight of your sexual history that there will be good sex, you may manifest instantaneous or temporary magical phenomena. Only your reserves of sexual inertia and your ability to make justifications limit you. This can be used to bypass fear, insecurity, or hesitance when drawing others into a sexual encounter. This can be used to clean your body and your environment, to instantly become lubed and readied, to control your fertility. With some modest cleverness, this can be used to heal wounds and illnesses, to transform and improve a person’s body, to restore some small measure of youth, at its most extreme to briefly acquire unnatural speed, strength, and resilience.
Physique: A laundry list of small boons. You are absurdly stretchy and flexible, and well-adapted to possessing sexual features of implausible size. Your sexual output is decoupled from your metabolism; you can produce liters of cum without strain, or force your breasts to spontaneously fill with many gallons of milk. You will tend to grow towards your own ideal of beauty over time. You experience significantly more sexual pleasure, and your sexual stamina is limitless. Your body and bodily fluids are delicious and pleasantly-scented, and tend to remain so; your cum may stay fresh for millenia if undisturbed. You can breathe through your nose while your throat is blocked up. You can subsist on nothing but milk and/or cum indefinitely, as if they provided ideal nutrition and hydration. …There is probably more.
Special Material: Erogel. The most sexually optimal cushioning material we know of. Erogel offers a whole new tier of sexual pleasure and erotic beauty, but also elevates the mind and spirit such that the experience is wholesome, invigorating rather than addictive. It can be used in sextoys and furniture, but also utterly trivializes all the fun types of body modification. A pair of perfect breasts or an extra ten inches of dick is only a few minutes work and a fraction of a unit of Erogel away.
Longevity: Youth. Each purchase grants ten years of complete freedom from the infirmities of age, suppressing all time’s ills and preventing them from accumulating further while it lasts.
Attribute: Luck.

A Plane of Dark is pitch-black. No light can exist within its confines. All modes of perception that exceed a certain threshold of clarity are fogged. Its air is cool and damp, and smells of wet earth. The walls and furniture are formed from clay, and the ceilings are low. The natives are older than they should be, creatures of darkness- shriveled vampires and hungry ghosts, twisted things that could never understand the light. They are weak, drawn thin and pale by ages of starvation, barely able to move. They will want to eat you. I never visited (and lose my light?!), but they should not be any significant danger, even to a mortal.

Money from the Planes of Dark takes the form of old silver coins, and can be used to purchase any goods and services produced by the unenlightened- those that would reject reason, curiosity, equality, freedom, love! …You will not have trouble spending it. Consumer goods are plentiful, but also decrepit like everything else. You might find a razor-sharp bronze knife that shatters after one solid stabbing, or a fine suit whose fabric crumbles when you try to wash it. The only sustenance to be found is in goblets of a peculiar substance akin to liquid smoke, that will sustain your body but never sate your hunger or slate your thirst. All about, you may find the faded remnants of old phylacteries. Rings and orbs and amulets, cracked pottery and shattered gemstones, dried-out husks of hearts, myriad implements that once anchored some dark creature to life and power. You could drink of their dregs, absorb the pale echoes of strength and will that yet linger within these husks. Please do not do that. I think that is something you should avoid doing.

Horizon: Within your range, shadows of anything that has been killed or destroyed may linger. These shadows struggle to interact with the world; they have perhaps a thousandth of their old strength, and wielding it effectively is a new challenge. That which has been reduced to shadow still hungers, and starvation means fading slowly, losing strength but never awareness.
Tradition: You may blot out the seperation between two things. Fused items retain the effectiveness of all their constituent parts but discard form, manifesting individual elements from within their shadow as needed. Upgrade a computer with a dozen backup batteries, or create a shirt with unfathomably deep pockets, or allow a pocketknife to sprout out into a full blade. Strength is accumulated additively. To create a metal plate one hundred times as strong as steel would require one hundred plates of steel. This union is reversible by masters of the Tradition, and can be applied to people. Minds remain seperate, and they do not share control.
Physique: Physicality becomes inessential, something you may relinquish. At its most basic, this Physique allow you to levitate, become invisible, or phase through obstacles. You may gradually diffuse your presence and capacity for action across the breadth of your awareness, becoming as an untouchable presence, and reconcentrate anywhere you can perceive, altering your form fairly freely in the process. Pouring your will into person, machine, or animal, you can even attempt possession.
Special Material: Dark Matter. Superficially, an exotic element that can be used in the construction of technology out of science fiction. Gravity manipulation, faster than light travel, force fields. In truth, it represents a means of trading away light and life to innumerable entities that want to exist but mostly do not in order to enable and command their intervention. Fed blood and vitality instead of photons and electrical current, it can produce more obviously supernatural feats, dark, vampiric magics.
Longevity: Preservation. A relic is formed that contains a hundredth of your power, and preserves it against diminishment. As long as even one such relic exists, the whole of your awareness may endure any destruction.
Attribute: Awareness.

A Plane of Train is grimy, akin to an ill-maintained subway line. Past plastic seats and bare metal, windows look out onto a city that does not exist, pelted by endless rains. Seating is arranged differently, leaving more open space, but there are also more natives. It smells of human life. The natives are quiet, and unfriendly. They understand themselves to be waiting for something (that will never come). They understand everyone around them to be strangers they must hold at bay (though they are alone). More than other planes, they are hollow shells of people, masks without wearers. I’ve walked these halls myself for sheer novelty, but you should find them sadly familiar.

Money from the Planes of Train has no set form. Observers see what they picture in their heads when they imagine ‘money’. It can be used to purchase goods ‘anyone could purchase’, that say very little about the buyer as a person. Consumer goods resemble the products you could find on your world, in the early 2000s, but… grayer. More depersonalized. Digital devices have access to a coherent internet, unified across all the Planes of Train, and retain access when taken to other worlds. Here, at least, there is personality, creativity, life. Navigation is a struggle, but I hear of vast forums a billion strong. Somehow, PJJCorp has never been able to reach these great hubs. A good variety of prepackaged food and drink is available, including normal vending machine offerings, fast food, and canned beverages. No magic items seem to appear.

Horizon: Within your range, information can directly interact with other information. Well-formed ‘key’ packets maintain a direct connection to all their copies. This disregards physical barriers and seperation; two people with this Horizon could communicate in real time from opposite ends of a galaxy and different dimensions. With sufficient ability in memorization, this can be used to construct powerful mind-machine interfaces.
Tradition: You may drawn down Truth into the world to reveal, destroy, and dominate the false and illusory. Lies and deception may be made more obvious, or forced silent. Plots and schemes and false narratives may be broken outright or twisted in your favor. You may alter videogames as you play them.
Physique: Your body generates a protective shell of false identity, hiding atop a lie. So long as the shell holds, your true self cannot be harmed by any outside force. Even mind and spirit share this protection, though a failure in any one element of the shell will render it useless until it eventually reforms. You still need to sustain yourself, inside the shell.
Special Material: Digital Uranium. Hooked up to any digital device, it can be induced to emit self-powered copies of any running program, capable of functioning indefinitely on the substrate of a self-focusing radiation. Interfacing with these holographic forms is only slightly challenging. A single piece of Digital Uranium represents an endless supply of computational resources, quite possibly the seed of a whole digital universe.
Longevity: Coherence. Your selfhood is more stable, more ‘yourself’. This grants your personality some resistance to the weight of ages, but more importantly guarantees a single ‘perfect’ reincarnation. The entirety of your mind and identity, and the majority of your powers, preserved unto another life. If you retain a power through one reincarnation, you should be more likely to retain it through the next. Understand that we do not know where you could end up. The multiverse is bigger than us.
Attribute: Willpower.

A Plane of Knives shines, every surface a bright white. Every surface covered in a dense thicket of sprouting blades. Seats, walls, floors, ceiling. The natives bodies are armored in blades, layered like a lizard’s scales. Or a dragon’s- some have less human anatomy, wings or tails the most common. They tend to be serious to the point of overdramatization, and prone to hyperfocus. It’s all quite edgy.

Money from the Planes of Knives takes the form of unmarked knives, very inconvenient. It can be used to purchase bladed weapons, objects with prominent blades, the materials or components for bladed weapons, and services involving the use of a blade. All consumer goods are knives. They may be other things as well, but the phones are knives, the pillows are lethally sharp at the seams, and even basketballs are lined with serrated edges. Knives from these planes are extremely sharp, and will sooner break than lose their edge. Food and drink is almost normal, the sort of refreshments you would expect to find at an extremely mediocre restaurant, though eating safely may be a challenge. Magic items from this type of plane, like all other offerings, take the form of knives. Knives that cut only certain specific materials, that return to the hand when thrown, that leave cursed lingering wounds, that are ‘merely’ supernaturally effective, that aid in surgery by preventing bleeding, that conceal their wielder’s presence.

Horizon: Within your range, intent contributes to effectiveness. When you do something you want to do, and especially when you know what you want, you are more successful. A marksman who pours everything into that critical shot will hit harder than projectile physics would allow. Certainty in your cause will lend you strength. In some cases, this Horizon will weaken the efforts of the unwilling and controlled.
Tradition: You may focus and direct your actions in supernatural ways. The most basic application of this Tradition is use of a blunt instrument as a blade and extension of its reach. More usefully, you could improve the quality of your tea by brewing only a single cup at a time, or properly direct the force of your attacks to cut through intangible spirits. That last one might come in handy. With superhuman focus, you could harness all the explosive fury of grenade towards boring through a single square centimeter of armor, or redirect the ‘equal and opposite force’ that emerges when you slam into a wall towards breaking through the wall even harder.
Physique: Your body automatically sheds that which is detrimental to it. It is harder to wound or afflict you in the first place, as if you were shaped to deflect the harm, and any illness you do suffer grips you less fiercely, passes more quickly. An otherwise permanent curse may one day fade without any active efforts. In time, all ugliness will slough away.
Special Material: Knifemetal. Blades forged with this material are always better than equivalent blades that lack it. Even a god’s sword might be made meaningfully stronger. Incorporated into any non-knife artifact, Knifemetal only ruins it.
Longevity: Excision. You may shed a great portion of your vitality to purge one week per purchase of time’s consequences, age or other. The effects of this sacrifice are comparable to extreme blood loss, and unnaturally difficult to recover from, but ultimately impermanent.
Attribute: Focus.

A Plane of Water is completely flooded. There are no air bubbles, only odd oxygen masks you can draw from the ceiling to refresh your breath. These planes are astonishingly clean, yet full of life and color, corals and kelp growing from soft pearly sands, fish like jewels darting amongst plastic seating, electric lights mingling with bioluminescence. If you could smell it without drowning, you would smell the oceans at their most ideal. The natives are diverse and beautiful, classical mermaids and sharp-toothed sharkgirls and all else you could imagine. Don’t worry, the mermaids from these planes are not infectious. They are a calm and peaceful sort, powerful but no threat to anyone who lacks ill intent. It is supposed to be a very nice place, for those who can endure it. I am not one of those people. I need the skies!

Money from the Planes of Water takes the form of colorful seashells and sand dollars, and can be used to purchase anything that comes from the sea, or whose materials primarily come from the sea, as well as the services of sailors and other sea-goers. Consumer goods are works of art, assembled from kelp and coral and prismatic scales, intricately made and carefully individualized by artists that never existed. Without electricity or combustion, they manage equivalents of many modern conveniences by muscle power. There are strange computers with illuminant screens, somehow powered by the turning of a crank.
Food mostly consists of raw meats and undersea vegetables; sometimes, this is live fish eaten whole, sometimes, this is intricately cut arrangements. The drinks are sealed globes of thick juice, some of which is even somewhat sweet. Magic items from this type of plane appear as focal implements, orbs and crowns, staves and tridents, that amplify the bearer’s own power. They dredge up hidden strength, so that the fast may be even faster, the brilliant even brighter. These items are uncommonly powerful, for the thematic planes. The greater you are, the greater their benefits, and the greater the strain they place upon you.

Horizon: Within your range, there is a universal medium, a fluid pseudo-substance that exerts pressure and imposes resistance upon all things almost as if the world were underwater. All that breathes can draw in and expel this pseudo-substance to swiftly adapt to great extremes of pressure, ocean depths or void of space. This Horizon would bog down space travel and the free flight of weightless spirits alike. …It might be worth the cost.
Tradition: You may treat almost any liquid medium as an extension of your body for the purpose of applying physical strength. So long as there is an uninterrupted liquid connection, you could dip a finger into a lake and lift a tendril of water hundreds of meters away. This Tradition provides no sensory effects. The strength of your liquid control is the strength of your body, and using it strains and exhausts your body as much as lifting and moving that same quantity of liquid normally. Lifting a rock with a water tendril the size of your arm is exactly as difficult as lifting that rock with your arm. Your control cannot extend into the bodies of others, or any liquid they have claimed. Your control can extend into liquids as strange as molten metal or oobleck.
Physique: Your body adapts to its conditions rapidly and thoroughly. With a sufficiently intensive regime, you could develop an olympian physique in the space of a month, and still not have reached your limit. Your own will flavors these adaptations- regular use of makeup could alter your natural appearance, or alter the structure of your skin and hair to shed unwanted pigment like water off a duck’s back. Living in the sea, eating only raw fish, you might develop fins, gills, and sharp shark-like teeth. Adaptations that are no longer useful and are not strongly desired will fade over time to conserve metabolic resources.
Special Material: Abyssal Ichor. A single drop. Driven into the earth, it creates a permanent magical spring from which pours forth thousands of gallons a day of fresh water, a source of pure life whose currents wash away filth and impurity. Scattered into the sky as mist, you can call upon waves and pounding rain to sink a place as vast as Manhattan into the sea. Injected into a body, it will bestow powerful transhuman mutations, optimized for the deepest ocean but advantageous even in the driest desert.
Longevity: Grandeur. Instead of growing older, you may grow larger. You may convert a number of years of aging equal to your purchases of this Longevity into a single extra inch of height or body length. Here, the square-cube law becomes your enemy.
Attribute: Strength.

A Plane of Geometry is a pale, glossy pane of indeterminate substance. If you look carefully, you can see the roiling chaos of the thematic source just under the surface. Unlike planes of other themes, it stretches out endlessly in all directions. The walls and seating and baggage and passengers exist as marvelously detailed diagrams written into its surface. It is quiet, and cold. The natives are largely inaccessible. We know they are alive (though the diagrams they exist as do not move or change), and we can communicate through magic, but there exist fundamental barriers in our understandings of reality. I have not had much opportunity to study the topic- a theme of this class is supposed to be closed to normal visitors- but it is apparently recommended you avoid treating the natives as people, or independent entities, if you intend to obtain the Tradition.
…And the planes possess ‘hyperbolic geometry’?
I do not know what that means, but it is listed as a navigation hazard.

Planes of Geometry do bear useful resources, if you can retrieve them. Money from the Planes of Geometry takes the form of coins and bills formed from the same pale, glossy material of its floor. It is omni-applicable, but can only make up a maximum of half your purchasing power in any transaction; it must be alloyed with other currencies. Consumer goods are all formed from that same material, lack moving parts, and are unnaturally light. None of the clothing has holes. Food and drink is of the same nature, but thankfully differs in consistency. A steak from a Plane of Geometry may look like a glassy sculpture of a steak, and weigh very little, but it chews like the real thing. A great variety of foodstuffs can be found here, though it is all scentless and somewhat difficult to tell apart.
Magic items from this type of plane act upon position. They include rings that allow you to move at a fixed speed in any direction (on top of your normal movements), larger rings that act as continuous portals, large tablets that can teleport objects or creatures set atop them moderate distances, amulets that register a target’s position and may later recall it to that position, and tablets that project indestructible barriers which function by displacing whatever intersects with them.

Horizon: Within your range, there is an additional spatial dimension. Only a small portion of any random motion will have a non-negligible fourth-dimensional component; about 5% of radiant light will escape into this extra dimension. This new spatial dimension has a floor, an objective origin that acts as a lower limit for position along its axis and which coincides with the fourth-dimensional location of all normal substance, as well as an extremely powerful omnipresent force that impels all things downwards towards said floor. With significant efforts, objects or creatures may briefly jump above normal space. With extremely sturdy architecture, structures may be created that exist partially outside of normal space.
Tradition: In interacting with a well-formed depiction of a higher-dimensional object, you may draw it out into a more fully-formed model. You could convert a diagram of a cube into a physical, three-dimensional cube. Objects created with this Tradition have very little mass or physical durability compared to a ‘real’ counterpart, but more than their source should be able to provide. A piece of paper and a pencil could be used to produce hundreds of items with material properties similar to origami. These objects may be crafted such that they avoid damage or destruction by abandoning mass and dimensions; a paper anvil may slide out of the way of a hammer blow as if it lacked all inertia, and if prevented from doing so, collapse back into a two-dimensional representation.
Physique: Your body may cast itself to lower-dimensional form, rapidly, easily, and without any loss of resilience. Reduced to two dimensions, you are akin to a shadow on the wall. As a projection of yourself, depth is meaningless and scale may be distorted. You could step from the side of a brick wall to the side of a skyscraper a hundred meters back, and retain your apparent size to a stationary observer. If you could glow, you might illuminate a whole world. Cast yourself onto an endless sky, and you would be untouchably vast.
Special Material: Privileged Axis. A black, glossy rod. With a mildly complex process, you may cause the location and orientation of a designated object to be specified in relation to a Privileged Axis. Thereafter, altering the position or orientation of the axis affects the object correspondingly. The linking process takes more time to perform as the volume of its target rises, and can be accelerated. One axis may be linked to any number of objects, and vice versa.
Longevity: Depth. You are extended along a pseudo-dimension unique to yourself by one full selfhood per purchase. At will, or reflexively in response to critical damage, you may peel away the outermost sliver of yourself, escaping blight and injury by virtue of revealing portions of yourself that have not yet been afflicted. What you peel away cannot later be recovered, at best replaced with fresh Longevity, nor can it be in any way harnessed without first stripping away the selfhood that sits ‘above’ it. As an ablative defense, Depth is extremely effective and close to all-encompassing.
Attribute: Agility.

A Plane of Isekai is always foreign, unexpected. It is believed that they are defined in relation to their visitors, in some way unformed until an outsider gazes upon them. This process seems to seek out that which is alien and unfamiliar. You will not encounter a Plane of Isekai identical to another you have visited or imagined unless all other possibilities have been exhausted. They still exist as long unbranching corridors, with rows of seating, loose baggage, and natives, and they all share the same magic. This is another theme not generally available to visitors. A Plane of Isekai is always the most dangerous place a traveler has ever been. People who have lived more dangerous lives will encounter more monstrous and aggressive natives, more hazardous environments. This effect can build upon itself, if a traveler does something to make the natives more hostile or the environment more dangerous. If you intend to visit, please plan very carefully.

Money from the Planes of Isekai comes in many diverse forms. It can be used for any transaction, but with wildly varying efficiency based on the good or service purchased and the nature of the currency. A fairly standard example is a small golden coin that can purchase weapons and armor at full efficiency, food and lodging at one-tenth efficiency, and anything else at one-hundredth efficiency. It is extremely inconvenient. Consumer goods are similarly diverse and highly specialized, well-suited for particular conditions but flawed in any others. Tools and clothing from one Plane of Isekai might self-repair when exposed to extreme temperatures, but turn brittle in the cold of a crisp autumn day. Items from another Plane of Isekai might instead glow constantly, brightly enough to hurt the human eye, transcendently piercing effects that would conceal their radiance, but otherwise be of very good quality. All the food and drink you find will be safely edible, but recognizing what is and is not food and how to consume it may be difficult. We have encountered such things as colorful pebbles that provide nutrition and moisture when swallowed whole.
Magic items from this type of plane share the strange traits of its consumer goods, and are able to bind to a person permanently. While you are carrying a bound item, you may share recovery, resistances, and energy between yourself and it. The lack of a bound item, whether it was destroyed or lost or stolen, can be regenerated from as if it were merely another form of damage.

Horizon: Within your range, that which stands in defiance of the established order of things- the dictates of society, the inherent cruelty of an uncaring universe, a person’s own nature- is granted advantage. At lesser scales, this looks like luck and instinct. On greater scales, of time and order both, this builds upon itself and becomes as destiny. More oppressive orders engender greater advantage, but even an impossibly perfect utopia would be left less stable for the presence of this Horizon.
Tradition: You may step ‘away’ from a particular object, location, or person (including yourself), exploring a boundless interdimensional space born from this Tradition. Within this space, you may discover and visit silent worlds, that wait for sentient life in an eternal twilight. The overwhelming majority will be tiny, the size of a closet or small room, containing little more than bare stone and illuminated only by the twinkling glow of their boundary. With some years of searching, you might discover a world with a few acres of living space and more hospitable conditions; a grassy park with fresh springwater and a false sun. It is theoretically possible to discover worlds billions of lightyears in diameter. The particular thing you step away from to enter the interdimensional space determines the set of worlds you are able to discover and visit; these sets do not overlap. This can be nested infinitely. It is extraordinarily difficult to pursue someone into these spaces, even if you share the Tradition.
Physique: Your body is distinct from the world that contains it. You are immune to all internal consequences of a reality being ‘less permissive’ or ‘less defined’; you would be equally unharmed in a universe where baryons cannot exist as in a realm of raw chaos. You have a solipsistic resistance to subversion, reducing information that would harm you to random noise. Mind control fails to work against you because it cannot give you any coherent instruction. You cannot grow any faster, or better, but your self-driven development is less strictly bounded in how far it can go.
Special Material: Aurumite. One gram of the material, embedded in a platinum disc. The derivative of gold, Aurumite acts as an endless, self-growing source of wealth. Each dawn, it generates value equivalent to its own weight in gold, either generating currency and dispersing the value across economic networks to enforce validity or directly enriching what is around it. This Aurumite is young, only as dense as gold. Its density will increase by that of gold again every new year.
Longevity: Momentum. As you live, you accrue destiny. This grow slowly, but without upper bound, and acts upon the world to enforce your life. Depending on how you live, the destiny you accrue may focus its influence on different aspects of life, focusing on health, happiness, power, those you love, or pure survival. Your death and resurrection would focus its growth on destined return. A single purchase of Momentum can lend you uncommonly excellent health, save you from common life-threatening accidents, and significantly accelerate relevant medical research.
Attribute: Resistance.

Endless Sky:

[You don’t know this.]
[You aren’t told this.]
[Something terrible is coming to your world.]
[It begins once one of your Journey tickets is used.]

Across the planet, rifts open to a place of endless darkness and howling winds. They spread quickly, like cracks spiderwebbing across a pane of glass. Within a year, Earth’s surface is splintered into ten thousand pieces.

The rifts are planes, two-dimensional. But each face leads to a different location within the dark sky. From the earthly perspective, there is no distance between the two faces of a rift. From within the dark sky, they may be as much as half a meter apart.

At first, traversing the rifts is as simple as laying down a plank of wood. Or jumping. They still cause catastrophe. Infrastructure comes apart, and bridges collapse. Seas pour out into the darkness of an endless sky. People fall.

Some time after the first death, monsters emerge, spirits formed from lost souls. Most mundane weapons are useless against them, and even fire can only drive them away temporarily. They stretch space within the dark sky, extending the gaps caused by the rifts, making them ever harder to bridge. They attack those who enter the dark sky, and emerge at night to drag people into its depths. At the heart of the realm, they raise a city from frost and shadow.

Golden Endings:

Requirement: Liaison

If you choose the Liaison, the woman who introduced the Journeys introduces herself. She is Essi, a spirit of air and sunlight. There are things she cannot speak of here. She recommends taking her as a Companion, for your own world’s sake.

Requirement: Companion

If you take Essi as a Companion, she is able to speak freely once brought to earth. She warns you of the coming threat, Husc, a spirit of wind and darkness that was granted full access to your world by tragic accident. She describes the manner in which PJJCorp foresaw the disaster, and twisted its ontology so that a specific Journey would cause it, and gave that Journey away to an unsuspecting native in order to escape liability. They will not help you; they have successfully shirked their responsibility. It’s still possible to fix everything, save everyone. It might not even take much work. Essi has some ideas. Maybe you can improve on them.

#1: As far as the legal system behind PJJCorp is concerned, this is your fault, your world, your problem. That would change if an associate of PJJCorp killed you. If you had some way to cause your soul to linger, Essi could even bring you back as an immortal spirit.

#2: Essi’s society does have a court system. You could team up with her, and maybe some human lawyers, to try to bring PJJCorp to justice and force them to help. As long as their distorted ontology remains whole, though, you’re doomed to lose the case.

#3: Husc is crazy and evil, but she’s still a person. If you somehow persuaded her to do so, she could fix everything right away. …Essi happens to know her fetishes, and exactly how easily Husc can be led around by her baser urges.

#4: The natives of the Planes of Isekai are able to escape the dissolution of their planes. In truth, for all that they are confined to one tiny corner of the multiverse, their civilization is older and vaster than her own. If you could talk to them, if you could open the way, they might be persuaded to save your world.

#-1: Husc only has access to Earth. Essi is a citizen of a civilization that spans many dimensions. Though she would be unhappy abandoning a planet like this, she could bring you and perhaps a few hundred others someplace safe. This wouldn’t make you citizens, and she’d have to go back to her job.

#-2: [Image of Essi in golden armor.]

34 thoughts on “Plane-Jaunting Journey V1.1 Text-Only

  1. Carina

    Is mixing a second CYOA into this one to solve the Husc issue fair game?

    Thinking defiant flame right now, but you have several that let you chain additional ones in.

  2. Skorr

    This is like some kind of funky cosmic treadmill. I’m unsure of what I’d go with so far but there’s clearly a hierarchy of danger to the themes so it’d be best to start off easy to grind your Attributes. Well, if you can handle the monotony and isolation that is. By the what are the Attributes you can enhance?

  3. Arcaseus

    Thanks for this new CYOA!

    The Isekai’s physique notes that it allows you to survive in “a realm of raw chaos”.
    The Planes section says that “Outside this bubble of life and complexity, you will find only the formless chaos of its thematic source or pure abyssal void. You cannot survive in either.”
    Does this mean that the Isekai’s physique would allow one to explore these exotic places? If so, is there anything of value to be gained there?

    • admin

      The Isekai Physique makes it possible to survive in these places. It would still be about as dangerous as the void of space, or sundiving. You could potentially reach other planes.

  4. Arcaseus

    Another question: if everything in the Geometry plane is merely diagrams, does this mean that its tradition is required just to access the food and magic items in it?
    And relatedly, how can the tradition be gained if the locals (whose teaching is supposedly required to start getting a tradition) are immobile diagrams?

  5. Skorr

    If we use Dark Matter are we able to transform ourselves into vampires? If so then the more Dark Matter we invest into ourselves the stronger we’d be? In that case could we use Knife’s (Advancement) Physique to shed the detrimental effects of being vampire? Also, would this apply to minds as well if we used Dark’s Tradition to fuse other people to ourselves?

    • admin

      You can implant it into yourself to develop something akin to Mass Effect biotics, which includes life drain. More won’t help- even a tiny amount can make use of massive amounts of vitality.

      The Knife Physique can be used to destroy the minds of people fused to you with the Dark Tradition.

      • Skorr

        How does Dark’s possession work? Is it reliant on your Awareness to succeed or overcoming their Willpower?

        What is the extent to which you can modify your own form with Dark’s Physique?

        Are there any flaws to adding people to yourself? Well, I mean besides the risk of it possibly being undone by an enemy.

        • admin

          It’s a matter of overlapping with them, and overshadowing their own strength and will.
          You can’t develop new organs, generate new material, or reverse your aging, but you can mend wounds, sprout new limbs, alter your appearance comprehensively.
          One mind will always be in control. That might not be your mind, if you fuck up badly enough.

          • Skorr

            >Gorgeous Kinky Virgins
            1. Is it possible to the Tradition to achieve a tantric youth ritual without needing to purchase either an Attribute or Advancement? Or, as potential shortcut might it be possible to use the Elixir as a focal point of the ritual in order to enhance its ability to restore youth?

            2. Clarification on the false identity that Train’s Physique provides along with what it would take to break it?

            • admin

              With just the Kink Tradition, you’d need something like 8 hours of sex per day to maintain your youth. (Accounting for the magical help needed to make that exertion plausible.) Anything that makes the sex better, the magic stronger, or your aging slower will cut down on that figure.

              It’s like an extra health bar, or a second stage to a boss fight. If someone wantsto kill you, they have to do so twice. Also, it counts as a lie so you can manipulate it with the Train Tradition.

              • Skorr

                So Gorgeous’ Physique would really, really help in that along with their Magical Items. I assume that Knife’s Tradition would be quite helpful for this as well provided you don’t need superhuman focus to pull it off. Is it possible to obtain Erogel (and other Special Material) while in the journey itself or are you entirely limited to having to buy those with points?

                For Train’s Physique is it possible to use an Advancement to create multiple false identity shells around yourself? Similar to matryoshka dolls or having multiple extra health bars. Also, would it be possible to use an Advancement on Train’s Physique to eliminate your need to sustain yourself inside of your shell? Possibly by passively drawing sustenance from the false identity shell itself.

                • admin

                  Special Materials are not naturally occuring.

                  Yes. Not easily or efficiently.

                  • Skorr

                    Eh, I can handle it being not efficient since I’m sure there are other ways to supplement the concept such as using Knife’s Physique and/or Tradition in conjunction with an Advancement to improve the quality.

                    In the worlds arising from Isekai’s Tradition is there the opportunity to encounter living sapient entities?

          • Cyrus Serapheth

            1: So with the Dark Possession, can you take and use their own special abilities (if they have any)? Like say you used the Isekai Tradition to wander the multiverse and stumbled into a Marvel analog where some people have mutant powers rooted in “super genetics”, could you theoretically possess one of them, use the Knife Physique to shed their mind, and effectively steal their powers? (And then repeat?)

            1.5: For a more esoteric example, someone with magic that is born from enlightenment, or who has a soulbound item, could that be stolen?

            2: Additionally, just as you can meld together a bunch of metal plates to stack their durability, can you possess other people and add their own attributes to yours?

            3: To clarify, can the Isekai Tradition allow you to visit other settings (presumably, with some authorial fiat needed)?

            4: Can Advancements be used to amplify Traditions even further or extend their abilities into new fields or directions?

            5: How much skill can an Advancement give in a mundane skill? Say I went to the Plane of Knives and picked up, well, a knife, made of knifemetal, etc. How far can I push it with just one Advancement, assuming I’m trying to diversify? The equivalent of a handful of low-Essence Solar Exalted Melee Charms?

            • admin

              1. With the Tradition, it’s possible.
              1.5. You’d need to combine on a deeper level than normally occurs (so invest some Advancement), and it’ll be harder to seperate out the not-you bits.
              2. Yes.
              3. On its own, it only takes you to empty worlds that have never seen a sentient being.
              4. Yes. Absolutely.
              5. Advancement struggles to build from a mortal baseline, but one Advancement can bring a skill into the supernatural. This would be sheer skill enough to let you fight a ‘normal’ master swordsman several times faster and stronger than you and still have decent odds of victory.

              • Cyrus Serapheth

                Thank you. Additionally, on the Magic Items of the Plane of Dark: “All about, you may find the faded remnants of old phylacteries. Rings and orbs and amulets, cracked pottery and shattered gemstones, dried-out husks of hearts, myriad implements that once anchored some dark creature to life and power. You could drink of their dregs, absorb the pale echoes of strength and will that yet linger within these husks. Please do not do that. I think that is something you should avoid doing.”

                1) Given that the Knife Physique can shed harmful things like minds attempting to possess your body, can it also make it safe to “absorb the pale echoes of strength” from the Dark Magic Items? (Or would that require more, like the addition of the Isekai Physique?) What sort of powers could that give you?

                2) Train Longevity: Coherence. You get one perfect reincarnation per purchase, I presume, which could be an excellent segue into a more-proper isekai in and of itself. And given that your powers are more likely to continue reincarnating with you after your Coherence is used up, I presume that you can still reincarnate more-or-less perfectly later on, you’re just more liable to be missing things here and there?

                3) Tradition Advancements: How far can a single Advancement take a Tradition? Could I improve the Isekai Tradition to become “true” multiverse travel? Could I improve the Sugar Tradition to allow me to infuse the Prime Candy into non-candytech items or entities to grant them an additional reservoir of endless energy?

                4) Additionally, as implied by this response “Advancement struggles to build from a mortal baseline”: Do additional Advancements stacked onto each other (for the same skill/Tradition) provide geometrically/exponentially-improving gains as your abilities improve and thus the rate at which your abilities can improve is also improved? (I think I worded this poorly. Point is, instead of getting a twofold improvement with two Advancements, is it more like each additional Advancement provides “proportionately” the same Advancement as applied to the newly Advanced ability but “absolutely” more with each stack?)

                • admin

                  1. You get a little bit of dark power to throw behind your actions, and a little bit of ancient will that reinforces your mind and darkens your thoughts. The Knife Physique can gradually purge the corruption you accumulate, but not keep it out in the first place. It’s an amplification and elevation of what you already possess, in both benefits and in consequences.

                  2. Yep.

                  3. Hard to say, they’re pretty varied. One Advancement into the Isekai Tradition could let you enter a place between worlds, allowing multiversal travel if you figure out survival and navigation. One Advancement into the Sugar Tradition could let you construct candy cores that bleed excess life energy into whatever they are implanted in.

                  4. Stacking Advancements yields disproportionately greater benefits, but it doesn’t go as far as you think. Advancements are just… really inefficient at building truly novel capabilities or improving something you’re terrible at. You can improve your efficiency, and you can build synergies, but after a point it kind of caps out and you’re getting relatively flat benefits per-advancement.

  6. Wissende

    Im not sure I completely understand Geometry’s horizon. You have a 4th dimension within your range but in a practical sense what does that do? If someone “jumped above normal space” or if a building existed partially in this other dimension, what would it look like to someone in 3 dimensions?

    • admin

      If someone jumped above normal space, they would, for some duration, not exist in normal space. They would appear to vanish. You could run wiring more densely by moving slightly into the fourth dimension.
      Just, extrapolate from 1D-2D and 2D-3D interactions.

      • Wissende

        Oh that makes sense. Then I suppose the floor and the force that compels everything towards it as just a literal floor and pseudo gravity cause these other dimensions you go into are more likely than not just empty voids with nothing in them otherwise

  7. Carina

    Are there further ticket levels? What do they look like, if so?

    Would the train tradition (destroying/manipulating lies) help to force PJJCorp to help with the Husc situation?

    If I win in court against PJJCorp, can I get them to give me better/more tickets?

  8. Carina

    Ok, gonna hash out a semi-realistic build. The plan is to use both tickets on myself, silver a few days after I return from bronze. I’ll be focusing on making the bronze trip as mentally easy as possible to maximize points. I’ll use those points to shore myself up mentally to power through an absurdly long silver trip.

    Going to assume that bringing a large backpack and some basic electronics is ok, probably also a large refillable bottle for when the trek gets really long or storing the odd potion or whatever.

    Bronze ticket ;

    Train and Sugar themes – these are both very safe and provide essential boosts for making repeat journeys longer.
    Elixir and Home Space upgrades – Planning to leave this trip aged around 21 or so, and a place to rest and recuperate will make the whole process more bearable.

    Targeting a 12 year first journey, I’ll round that out to 3750 points. Equivalent to a full college education commitment, should be doable. I’ll divvy out those points as follows(and also stipulate plans for if I am unable to bear such a timespan):

    11x longevity (minimum 4); 4 coherence and 7 durability, or at least 1 coherence and 3 durability.
    10x Special material (minimum 5): All ambrosia, go longer without rest.
    2x Advancement (only if greater than 3000 point total): 1 for each theme. I’m not sure to what extent these can help vs just straight attributes, or I might rate these higher.
    20x Attribute (or all remaining points, minimum 4): Purchased in a ratio of 1 endurance for every 3 willpower; this is essential for mental stability over long ages, and also helps me travel longer without rest.

    Silver ticket:

    Isekai, Geometry and Gorgeous Kinky Virgin themes – I’m going for my powerful planes here and I’m gonna be here forever basically. A little bit of idealized sex here and there will help keep me motivated and willing to keep going longer.
    Home Space, Elixir, Delivery Service and Liaison upgrades – Delivery service basically guarantees that I can max out the physiques, including the ones from my bronze trip(I ate those cuisines before and call for them)

    I’m targeting 300 years this trip (~18,700 points). With Elixir + 8 Durability, a single dose per rest area makes aging literally not a thing until around 16,350 years, so practically speaking the only limit is how long I could last with 16 times mortal willpower and 5 times mortal endurance + extended reserves (Plus advancement)

    I won’t bother trying to divvy out those points, I can’t possibly know what I’ll want after 300+ years. Definitely companion though. Also, momentum is the only form of longevity that gets better over time, so probably picking up at least a few of that.

    When I come back I’ll use the train tradition to spin the twisted ontology of PJJCorp into my favor in the courts, maybe try to drum up an emotional damage settlement as well for a gold ticket (knife/isekai/dark/GKV if I manage.; keep going until I visibly start to age).

  9. Yishmael

    Does aurumite effect other aurumite?
    Also does ambrosia and abyssal ichor need to be consumed to gain the effects or can I use the dark tradition to fuse with them and gain the benefits?

  10. Subrosian_Smithy

    On the Candy Tradition – how complex does a creation have to be in order to tap into the well of power that is the Prime Candy? Could you simplify the construction of a motor by just using the Prime Candy for the heavy lifting?

    On the Dark Tradition – can the expression of traits in a merged item be manipulated by a normal person, like if you hand a transforming pocketknife off to a friend? And can you use the Dark Tradition to combine a mind with something that isn’t a mind, like by fusing with a computer?

  11. Carina

    Is there a point where momentum’s ability to enforce/extend your life exceeds time’s ability to wear away at your existence? Theoretically, how many momentum-life years are needed to reach this point, if so?

    Does momentum have special interactions with any of the other powers available? I know coherence for example makes it have an aspect of destined return.

    • admin

      Yes. On the order of 1000, discounting other effects.

      If you live in a certain ‘way’, momentum helps ensure you can continue to live in that ‘way’.

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